Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nostalgic breakfast

We went to breakfast at elements in the four season, it was fun, and yummy!
We left the place, and me and my sisters went to "the nail shop" at ladies elmamlakah it was fun overpriced but I enjoyed it el7amdellah bs the fillipinas gave me a headaches! One was doing my hands and the other one was doing my feet and they didn't stop talking for a second! Oh we were talking too ;p
While we're having our nails done, my sis asked if for a day u have no religion and away from all rules or taboos what would u do for a day?! I said for my day I will go on a date with a guy and then get laid loool they laughed and said u better ask him to take a blue pill 3ashaan ta7leeleen ur day loool afaa 3leekoom I'll leave him died before it strikes midnight lool
For them one said I'll steel money and the other one said I'll walk naked in the beach? Haah? Min jdkom? I know ma 3ndohom salfah! LoL
In the car my sis asked does anyone have any of najeeb mahfooth novels so I said I have a bunch but I think its with my things at husband's house.. So she says until when? Ela meta? When will he get over it?
I'm tired so tired mentally that is...I hate being on pause I hate being lonely I hate this situation ... I feel that the best years of my life are passing by... I guess the nostalgia of going to seasons today brought this up, It opened memories...
The memories of nights we spent over there, memories of waking up the day after feeling God my life could be better?! Feeling not happy...memories of having the hotel breakfast sitting opposite to each other, physically I'm there but mentally I'm somewhere else ... It was Me fighting my self to think its okay, try to smile at the boring stories , to act interested when listening, try to put a face when he tries to be romantic he's trying at least, don't be mean... Be patient when u try to explain ur opinions , be patient when u try to explain the funny stories...don't show ur boredom, don't show ur frustration, kooly tbn and just don't be u!

See I would've accepted this life, but he was not content with me as I was with him, he kept asking and demanding ... I hated the marriage and I hated my self with him...
Esh bk?! Snap out of it! Don't go there, don't think...don't sink don't sink in...stay afloat!
U will be fine...u will get what u want and u will be happy..u will find the person who wants to share his life with u, YOU as u are! day u will be up all night with him laughing in bed about silly jokes, he will play with ur hair until u fall asleep in his arms, he will join u in the shower every morning to make out with u , he will help u while cooking dinner at night and munch on half the food...he will share ur life...he will be ur life companion...
This will happen, I just need to be patient, I need to be positive...
Do u think it will happen? I hear about people who were happier in their second trials...happier in their second starts.
I guess its one of those days...

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